Social Spas At Humboldt Bay Social Club

  • Massage

    Full Body Table Massage

    30, 60, or 90 Minute

    $65 • $100 • $150

    Couples Massage

    30, 60, or 90 Minute

    $130 • $200 • $300

    To reserve a couples massage, please call us.

    Pre-Natal Massage

    60 or 75 Minute

    $120 • $145

    Hot Sea Shell Massage

    60 or 75 Minute

    $120 • $150

    Hot Seashell massage involves the use of Tiger Clam shells as a massage tool. The shells are heated before use and the massage therapist will use the shells on key points of your body to relax your muscles, before using the smooth part of the shells to massage your torso and limbs using slow deep movements.

    Exclusively avaliable at HBSC or Oyster Beach

  • Combination services

    The Glow Up

    75-minute massage + dry brushing • $125

    Dry brushing helps to naturally detoxify the body and rejuvenate your skin.

    Hour To Flower

    Deep tissue 60-minute massage + stretching• $120

    The Entourage Effect

    90-minute massage + Terplandia Aromatherapy• $180

    Choose from a variety of terpene profiles that you will inhale, ingest, and absorb through your skin.

    Terplandia terpenes are derived from steam-distilled cannabis plants with distinct components and powerful therapeutic benefits.